Cortando as asas do setor de turismo das Seychelles?

o turismo de Seychelles está em apuros? O governo de Seychelles reviveu uma antiga política chamada Integração Vertical que havia sido engavetada e está impondo limitações à possibilidade de crescimento dos negócios locais. A indústria do turismo está chamando este exercício de 'cortar as asas' do setor de turismo.

O turismo continua a ser o pilar da economia das Seychelles e apenas o comércio de turismo é alvo deste novo regulamento. Uma parte afetada já apresentou uma contestação ao regulamento perante os Tribunais de Seychelles. Seychelles precisa desesperadamente que sua indústria de turismo funcione, pois fornece empregos além de garantir que a economia permaneça sólida.

O Conselho de Turismo de Seychelles precisará encontrar um orçamento de marketing extra se os DMCs maiores reduzirem suas despesas de marketing e diminuirem sua presença nas feiras de turismo por causa de suas 'asas sendo cortadas' pelos novos regulamentos.

Chegou a hora de o Governo das Seychelles realizar uma série de reuniões "de baixo para cima" sobre este assunto. A raiva e as expectativas estão aumentando e o governo pode se ver incapaz de atender às demandas apresentadas e correr o risco de encolher a indústria do turismo da ilha ao mesmo tempo.

Um post nas mídias sociais durante os últimos dias disse algo sobre isso:

“Ouvimos muito barulho dos responsáveis ​​sobre o número de navios de cruzeiro que visitam Seychelles. Eu só pergunto quantos de nós Seychelles estão se beneficiando? Esses turistas não compram nem banana, nem coco vermelho para beber, nem comem em restaurante, não alugam táxi ou bicicleta, nem barco para chegar ao Coco ou à Ilha Curieuse. Eles desembarcam no porto e embarcam no ônibus do homem branco para fazer seu passeio e comer em seu hotel, pegam outro barco para La Digue e fazem a mesma coisa”.










Artigo anteriorO que vem por aí para Vanilla Islands Tourism? CEO em visita de trabalho às Seychelles da Reunião

Alain St Ange has been working in the tourism business since 2009. He was appointed as the Director of Marketing for Seychelles by President and Minister of Tourism James Michel. He was appointed as the Director of Marketing for Seychelles by President and Minister of Tourism James Michel. After one year of After one year of service, he was promoted to the position of CEO of the Seychelles Tourism Board. In 2012 the Indian Ocean Vanilla Islands regional Organization was formed and St Ange was appointed as the first president of the organization. In a 2012 cabinet re-shuffle, St Ange was appointed as Minister of Tourism and Culture which he resigned on 28 December 2016 in order to pursue a candidacy as Secretary General of the World Tourism Organisation. At the UNWTO General Assembly in Chengdu in China, a person who was being sought after for the “Speakers Circuit” for tourism and sustainable development was Alain St.Ange. St.Ange is the former Seychelles Minister of Tourism, Civil Aviation, Ports and Marine who left office in December last year to run for the position of Secretary General of the UNWTO. When his candidature or document of endorsement was withdrawn by his country just a day before the elections in Madrid, Alain St.Ange showed his greatness as a speaker when he addressed the UNWTO gathering with grace, passion, and style. His moving speech was recorded as the one on the best marking speeches at this UN international body. African countries often remember his Uganda address for the East Africa Tourism Platform when he was a guest of honor. As former Tourism Minister, St.Ange was a regular and popular speaker and was often seen addressing forums and conferences on behalf of his country. His ability to speak ‘off the cuff’ was always seen as a rare ability. He often said he speaks from the heart. In Seychelles he is remembered for a marking address at the official opening of the island’s Carnaval International de Victoria when he reiterated the words of John Lennon famous song… ” you may say I am a dreamer, but I am not the only one. One day you will all join us and the world will be better as one”. The world press contingent gathered in Seychelles on the day ran with the words by St.Ange which made headlines everywhere. St.Ange delivered the keynote address for the “Tourism & Business Conference in Canada” Seychelles is a good example for sustainable tourism. This is therefore not surprising to see Alain St.Ange being sought after as a speaker on the international circuit. Member of Rede de marketing de viagens.